Development history
Pulsed xenon lamp is a xenon lamp that uses stored electrical or chemical energy to generate high-intensity flashes in a very short time. In the middle of the 19th century, F. Talbot first applied spark gap discharge as an exposure light source for high-speed photography, which was the earliest artificial pulse light source. After the emergence of inert gas pulsed discharge light source, the pulsed light source really entered the practical stage. From 1935 to 1945, a series of pulsed light sources appeared in the commercial market. In the 1950s, pulsed light sources entered the industrial field. A pulsed xenon lamp is generally composed of two electrodes sealed in a glass or quartz glass body. The flash duration of a pulsed light source filled with inert gas such as xenon in the shell refers to the time interval corresponding to 1/3 of the peak light intensity, which is called the pulse width. It is mainly determined by the structure and lighting of the light source. The pulse width of the existing pulsed light source is generally .01~10s, and the instantaneous brightness can reach 10 (cd/m(), which is the artificial light source with the highest brightness except for the laser. Its instantaneous luminous flux can reach 100lm, The flash repetition frequency is 1-100 times/min, the working life is more than 1000h, and the luminous efficiency is 40lm/W.
①Various Tubular pulsed xenon lamp. The peak flash energy can range from a few joules for medical and lighting photography to millions of joules for ballistic aerial observation and laser light sources. In addition to tubulars, there are U-shaped, spiral and disc-shaped, etc.Various shapes.
②Pulse xenon lamp for stroboscopic observer. Frequency is several kilohertz, power tens of thousands of watts.
③ Signal pulse light source. Frequency 1~3Hz, power 10~500W, life time up to 10 (times.
④Microsecond pulse light source for photochemical reaction and electronic instrument.
⑤Computer or other Strobe indicator for automatic device. Frequency 10 (Hz, power several watts.