Introduction Multimedia design emphasizes that the computer is the center, because multimedia design is based on computer technology; the organic combination of various media means that media and med...
Definition Thermionic emission refers to the phenomenon that electrons escape from the surface of a metal or other solid materials when heated under vacuum or filled with inert gas. Introduction Th...
History The study of zinc sulfide fluorescent materials has a history of more than 130 years since it was discovered by the French chemist Sidot in 1868. The study of zinc sulfide materials in the 1...
History In 1979, Philips and Sony formed an alliance to jointly develop the CD-DA (Compact Disc-Digital Audio) standard. Philips has already developed a commercial CD player, while Sony has more than...
Definition Magnetic flux leakage is the magnetic field energy leaked into the air (space) by a magnetic source through a specific magnetic circuit. The magnetic field of a magnet is closed inside an...
Overview 1.1 Definition of oscilloscope probeIn essence, an oscilloscope probe establishes a physical and electronic connection between the test point or signal source and the oscilloscope; In fact,...
A synonym for semiconductor radio generally refers to transistor radio Brief description Transistor radio is a small transistor-based radio receiver. Historically, "transistor radio" specifically ref...
Introduction Average reading time, also known as average access time, refers to the CPU sending commands to the optical drive, the laser head moves from a certain position to a new recording positio...
CAV technology: (Constant-Angular-Velocity) constant angular velocity reading method. It uses the same speed to read the data on the disc. However, the transmission speed of the inner edge data on the...
Compilation of History Publishing BackgroundIn the 1950s, Chinese dictionaries published in the 1950s all used simple classical Chinese to interpret meanings, which broke away from the reality of th...
Character relationshipError CorrectionClose Error Correction Student Zhao ZhongyaoAn error 25365 has been reported Character experience < p> Robert Andrew Millikan was born in Morrison, Illino...
Democrats and Republicans The United States is one of the first countries in the world to have political parties, and it is also one of the typical countries with a two-party system. The Democrats an...
Political Opinions The main political opinions of the Liberal Party of the United States include:Support the principle of laissez-faire and completely abolish the government’s influence on the econo...
About the author The famous American historian Arthur Schlesinger (Jr), was a special assistant to US President Kennedy and won twice Policy awards, and the United States National Book Award and othe...